Ahmet Savaşan: Go much further in health tourism

Ahmet Savaşan: Go much further in health tourism

Ahmet Savaşan said: “Go much further in health tourism.” We have accelerated our efforts to bring health tourists from many geographies of the world, especially from Global Healthcare Travel Council member countries, to our country with our health tourism products that will meet their needs. new trends I believe that 2023 will be a year in which our momentum in health tourism will increase.”

Deputy of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and President of the Global Healthcare Travel Council  Dr. Ahmet Savaşan signed new agreements by participating in EMITT Istanbul, the 5th largest tourism fair of the world, which brought together 600 participants from nearly 30 countries.
Meeting with Turkey’s Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, TURSAB Chairman of the Board Firuz Bağlıkaya, representatives of many countries and tourism professionals, Dr. Ahmet Savaşan stated that “the EMITT fair, which has set its target this year as reaching a business volume of 500 million Euros, offers important opportunities for the development of mutual cooperation”.

There Will Be Changes In Health Tourism

Pointing out that new trends have emerged in tourism in general and travelers are shifting to “discovery routes” and tending to holiday, camping and bungalow accommodation options in touch with nature, Ahmet Savaşan pointed out that many studies show that there will be changes in health tourism in 2023.

Demand For Medical Tourism Will Increase

Stating that the experts have shown that the demand for medical tourism will continue to increase, Ahmet Savaşan drew attention to the fact that it has been determined in the studies that the tourists want to try more exciting alternatives rather than the traditional wellness trips at the point of protecting and improving health.

North Cyprus Is A Good Alternative For  Forest Bath

Sağlık turizmi alternatifleri arasında yeni trendin, insanın meyve hasadını ve enerjisini ormanla ilişkilendirdiği söylenen orman banyosu olarak da bilinen “Silvoterapi” olduğunu vurgulayan Ahmet Savaşan, şunları kaydetti: sağlık turizminde çok daha ilerilere gidin.” Savaşan, “Dünyadaki değişimlerin bilincinde olarak, Türkiye’nin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak sağlık turizmi ürünlerimizle Global Healthcare Travel Council üyesi ülkeler başta olmak üzere dünyanın birçok coğrafyasından ülkemize sağlık turisti getirmek için çalışmalarımızı hızlandırdık. yeni trendler 2023 yılının sağlık turizminde ivmemizin artacağı bir yıl olacağına inanıyorum.”


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New global council is formed to support, represent and promote the growing health travel and medical tourism sector. The new initiative was launched with the statement, “Our long-term vision is to become a standard setting organization for the promotion and delivery of healthcare services to all global citizens.”

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